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With 63% of private aged care facilities being single premises operators, investment analysts state the private aged care sector is headed for consolidation with five likely winners.
12 months ago the SA State government introduced planning approvals that bypass councils if the project exceeds $3 million in value. New retirement village developments have been favoured by the Development Assessment Commission.
State government funded computer training programs are being offered to retirement village residents with the lure of free training, with a laptop thrown in.
Sean Howard’s Arton Retirement Villages has submitted plans for 13 buildings to be built on a 3 hectare site at Wallsend, a fringe industrial suburb of Newcastle, north of Sydney.
Leading village operator, Seasons, offers tailored care strategies for small and large villages.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.