Over 4,000 people search villages.com.au each day for downsizing apartments, village communities and care accommodation options.

(3.2M visits / 870K unique visits over 12 months)

Promotional property listings are available for:

  • Downsizing apartments
  • Retirement villages
  • Home parks
  • Rental villages
  • Over 55's developments
  • Aged care facilities
  • Land lease communities

A full Promotional Listing is the optimum showcase for your property, including full, automated vacancy listings.

Each promotional property listing includes:

  • Unlimited vacancies to be included within your property listing
  • Separate full listing for each vacancy, auto updated
  • Photo and logo on summary search page
  • High impact imagery with up to 10 photos/videos including logo and hero shot
  • 250 words of sales copy
  • Google Maps Pin
  • Multiple calls to action plus web link
  • Manage your own listing with editorial support available
  • Online reporting

The investment is $1000 / 12 month + GST.

Auto load vacancies for FREE

Vacancies within Promotional Listings: you can include villages.com.au in your automated uploading and updating of your vacancies at no extra charge. Appropriate software is required — please call us for guidance.

Promotional Banners from $300 per month per region

With Australia divided into 81 lifestyle regions and a limit of four banners per region, you can dominate your local market or expand into other regional markets. Your banner will appear in every page, delivering 100% coverage of all buyers.

  • Exclusive Header
  • Featured Products
  • MREC
  • Oversized Leaderboard

Contact Alex Jovovic, Commercial Sales Executive for flexible banner advertising options. Email alex.jovovic@thedcmgroup.com.au or phone 0406 886 003.

Custom Marketing Programs

We will work with you to tailor an attention-grabbing campaign that builds brand or sales activity when needed most. Enquire about our unique solutions with new media and custom video production.

Download Media Kit

Contact Alex Jovovic now on alex.jovovic@thedcmgroup.com.au or phone 02 9555 9576.

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