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Pioneer land lease community developer Palm Lake Resorts today completed its 247'th sale at its Fern Bay (North of Newcastle) development. Building commenced 30 months ago and sales 24 months ago. CEO Manuel Lang (pictured) calls it one of their ‘hero’ developments – which they experience every 4 to 5 years.
We are proud to announce Resistar, a sophisticated and affordable resident rating system that delivers three resident research results for one investment.
Yesterday ‘New ACSA’ announced it was ‘open for business’. This is important for us as a community and a society. Why? ‘New ACSA’ is the informal term being used for the new era of the not-for-profit organisation Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA). It’s the ‘peak body’ representing most of the churches and charities that deliver home, community and residential aged care throughout all of Australia, with approximately 1,100 members.
Last night Aged & Community Services Australia President, Paul Sadler, announced that ‘New ACSA’ was ‘open for business'. This is a significant event in both the aged care and retirement living space. Not-for-profit operators account for 52% of all aged care beds and 69% of home care services. They operate 40% of all retirement villages and are the major builders of new villages. ACSA members care for over 700,000 Australians.
The first $1.5M has been raised on DomaCom to fund a village development in Victoria - a first in funding. Domacom is a ‘fractional property investment platform’.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.