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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.
There’s no place like home, Dorothy reminded us in The Wizard of Oz… but what and where do we call home? And is it changing?
It’s common to read or hear stories in the media about the negative impact that social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram and Twitter are having on society generally, but younger people in particular. After all, younger people are generally the highest volume users and increasingly, they have little experience of a world without social media.
I'm an unashamed supporter of the concept of an electronic health record that enables both patients and healthcare professionals to access and share relevant information. With the right protections in place of course. So I'm thrilled that the Minister for Health, Susan Ley, has now launched My Health Record, an 'opt-out', rather than the previous 'opt-in' system.
If you’ve ever wished it was easier to find out, warts and all, what a particular aged care home is ‘really’ like – say, by being a fly on the wall or talking to residents and their families and asking them all the direct questions you have – then you’ll be pleased with this news.
What is being proposed this week on future hospital funding by the Federal government is very important, especially if you think that you or your family may become increasingly bigger users of the hospital system in the next 10 to 15 years.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.