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As President of Australia’s Retirement Living Council and CEO of RetireAustralia, Alison Quinn was keynote speaker in Auckland.
A fascinating side comment by Michael Gunn (pictured) of property agency CBRE was that “the four majors account for 49% of all the retirement units in NZ and run their businesses as a ‘going concern’. All the rest run theirs as a ‘property’ business”.
The Head of ANZ Bank Healthcare in NZ, Richard Hinchcliffe, gave his view to their Retirement Villages Association conference this week in Auckland that the RV sector was enjoying THE perfect storm – times have never been so good: 1. NZ is enjoying record house prices 2. Consumers understand the RV proposition 3. Record prices were being achieved on new and resales of RV units 4. Village operators have an advantage over residential developers in bidding for new property
ACSA CEO Adj Prof John Kelly says elderly, frail residents of aged care facilities will bear the brunt of the $1.2 billion cuts announced in the 2016/17 Budget, and has commenced the 'Old, frail and invisible' campaign to get this message out.
The Chief Executive of the Sydney Not For Profit group HammondCare, Dr Stephen Judd, has come out swinging this week against claims of over-claiming in the aged care industry. Speaking to The Australian, he said that those accused of over-claiming were not “rorting”, but rather “maxing out” the system that had been given to them by the Australian Government.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.