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Suzanne Dvorak has been headhunted to lead Australian Unity’s retirement village in aged care businesses under the title Executive GM, Residential Communities.
Australian retirement village veteran, Roger Kwok, has been rewarded for his patience. He has broken into the Chinese seniors accommodation market with a 50/50 joint venture to build a 2,800 to 3,000 unit retirement village, with residential aged care, childcare and medical centre.
A quick review of the village and care sector. A lot of care operators have been rearranging their businesses in the care space for Consumer Directed Care and digital disruption. But the village sector has simply been enjoying demand exceeding supply, with one or two exceptions.
In the final days of her leadership of QLD’s largest Not For Profit care operator, Robyn Batten has sold three small villages to ASX listed Eureka for $6M. They are in Townsville (20 units), Southport (35 units) and Brisbane (44 units). That gives an average price per unit of $60,600.
Churches of Christ Care has confirmed it is currently negotiating with Southern Cross Care to purchase two of their villages in Toowoomba. The not-for-profit provider already owns 20 retirement villages and 28 residential aged care services in Queensland and Victoria.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.