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New Zealand village operators continue to outperform Australian village businesses. Their No. 1 village operator, Ryman Healthcare, generated $133 million profit in six months from a portfolio of 4,958 village units.
In the 12 months from 4 December 2014 to 3 December 2015, 669,969 people made 962,886 searches on because they are thinking about moving to a retirement village.
The Senate is establishing an enquiry into the future of the aged care workforce in Australia.
Productivity Commission discussion papers are designed to research and then place into the market new strategies for emerging problems. Consumer Directed Care was first flagged in such a paper.
Sales for every organisation will be greatly impacted by the rapid emergence of alternative digital medias, led by Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.