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Aveo continues to aggressively press into retirement village tower developments. It has decided to build a 20 story village above its own offices at the Inner Brisbane suburb Newstead. CEO Geoff Grady says it will be ground-breaking stuff in Australia. Aveo is also building a village apartment tower at Clayfield in Brisbane to join its existing smaller scale tower village.
“More and more grandparents are embracing social media and video-calling applications to be present for special family milestones, such as a grandchild’s first steps or distant relative’s birthday.” Nan Bosler – Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association.
“I mean, are you kidding? What’s not to love about retirement? No more daily grind, no more conforming to someone else’s schedule; time to do the things I want to do, wear the clothes I want to wear… oh yes…. Retirement will be brilliant. Can’t wait.”
As the years have passed, how many times have you muttered expletives about the design of some ordinary, everyday item that has no regard for the older user? How on earth are you meant to be able to read that label or open that package? Why do things need to have SO much packaging anyway? Why can’t remote controls have bigger buttons and fewer of them? Why is it so hard to go back to where you were on a website after you have clicked on a link? Do online banking time-out functions need to be so damned short? Whatever happened to instruction manuals? Why can’t you get grab rails and bathroom supports that look good? Do nail scissors have to have such small finger holes?
How can anybody not love a dog? Or a cat I suppose (I personally don’t take to cats but I don’t dislike them). This is the question asked so often when people learn that some retirement villages don’t permit pets – or they will allow goldfish but not birds, cats and dogs.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.