Rumbalara House is a high care facility balancing the needs for care while maintaining a friendly home-like atmosphere. We have a highly motivated team with our own registered nurses available on call 24 hours a day for our Rumbalara House residents.
Meals for our Rumbalara House residents are cooked onsite and importantly are tasty and nutritious. Special dietary needs are catered for such as diabetic or pureed foods.
Besides the excellent nursing care we also have lifestyle and activities staff, private gardens, an on-site cafe and additional essential services such as hairdresser, podiatrist, optometrist and other medical professionals visiting regularly.
You are welcome to call and make an appointment to come in and have a look around Rumbalara House, chat to our staff and see if we can assist with you or your family’s specific care needs.
We have no doubt that as you meet and mix with us, you will find a very happy home here.