As the retirement village industry adapts to changing markets, it’s seldom more evident than in the increasing numbers that cater for specific needs. Secret Gardens in South Florida is one such village.

Tom Duffy converted an assisted living facility to create his dream, an independent living centre for elderly gay men. It’s also South Florida’s first gay retirement home.

Such facilities are slowly gaining popularity across the US, and in New Zealand where the industry has spotted a gap in the market.

The need to address the needs of Australia's ageing LGBTI community was recognised by the Department of Health and Ageing with the release of their ‘groundbreaking’ Aged Care Strategy in December 2012. Studies are also being conducted about the kinds of non-discriminatory care required for ageing gay Australians.

However those intents have yet to develop into bricks and morter, with Australia's firt and much vaunted gay and lesbian retirement village in Ballan, Victoria no closer to completion.

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