National Lifestyle Village residents are refuting a report released last year by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (Australia’s Health 2018 In Brief) that stated that older Australians are not doing the recommended amount of exercise for their age each week.


According to Hillview Lifestyle Village Manager Iain Reid their residents are a healthy bunch. They walk everywhere and join many of the fitness classes on offer. Residents who have never set foot in a gym become regular attendees. He said “I really see a change in people when they come here. They don’t come here to slow down that’s for sure!”


Hillview resident Carol Brown is a big fan of the fitness classes.  “I always played lots of sport, and I am loving the social side of the classes in the Village.  We have guests come in and we do the activities and then a coffee afterwards, so it’s a great catch up.  Friends who have never exercised much in their life are coming in every week,” said Carol. “The Village layout is also conducive to activity -  I walk to the clubhouse, to the bus stop, to the shops, to my friends’ houses, I really don’t need to drive anywhere,” she added.

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