If you’ve decided to downsize your family home and move into a retirement village, you’re probably wondering – what next?

Stress probably. It’s a big change, leaving behind memories, friends or family. The family home you’ve lived in for years. But here are some basic tips on how to avoid the stress, and make moving easier.

It starts with making a list.

Get organised and sort out in your mind, and on paper, all the things you’ll need to do in advance. Don’t worry about adding new things as you go along, because there’s nothing more rewarding than striking them off when they’re done.

Secondly, decide what you’re taking with you and what you’re leaving behind. It’s a good idea to get a floor plan of your new home to be certain everything’s going to fit. You don’t need the frustration on moving day of items that wont’ fit through the door. Next, sort the items you’re leaving behind into three groups: what you’re throwing away, what you’re giving to charity and what you’re going to sell.

You should speak to friends or family first when it comes to choosing a removalist. Most people have a favourite, and with good reasons. It’s a good idea to get three quotes to compare prices, and also to completely understand what they’ll be doing for you – will they pack and unpack for that fee? Will you need extra insurance?

Packing is a big job but a little organisation makes it so much easier. You’ve already got rid of the unwanted items so now it’s simply a case of wrapping and boxing. You’ll need more boxes than you think, and clear labelling will make it easier at the other end. Keeping similar items together will also help when unpacking, as will knowing where the kettle is at all times for that vital cup of tea. Space saving ideas could be invaluable. Vacuum bags for wardrobe items not only save space but will allow you to store some items straight away without the need to unpack.

Don’t forget your pet in this process. They’ll know something is up and they might not be happy about it. You could move them to a friend’s place for a few days during the moving process, or to kennels or a cattery if that’s more appropriate. It’s kinder on them, it’s easier for you.

Another list should be made and its one you can start now – change of address. Friends, family, doctor, dentist, telephone, internet, bank, lawyer, sports club, electoral  roll, car registration, magazine subscription, mechanic, accountant, Medicare, gas, insurance, electricity... They all want to know where you’ve gone. Australia Post offer a terrific, inexpensive redirection service, and they can also notify many people of your change of address on your behalf.

Do yourself a favour and try to rest before moving day. Being tired because you were still packing boxes at midnight before the movers come at 7am is not going to help anyone. On the day, it’s a good idea to move all the heavy items first when you’ve got most energy. It is also easier than negotiating a path around all the boxes at the other end. Here’s where being organised pays off handsomely. Pre-labelling boxes means you now know exactly where you want them and they will only have to be moved once. And because you also know which box contains the kettle, that well earned cup of tea is at hand.

Before you know it, moving is done. Congratulations. You’ve downsized to a comfortable new home where bills are smaller and living is easier. With the hard work done, it’s time to enjoy your new home, meet your new community and enjoy the benefits of ageing well.

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