CIMC Modular Building Executive GM, John Zendler, gave a frank and detailed presentation on modular construction at our LEADERS SUMMIT. He summarised that just 10% of projects suited this approach.
His first aged care project is WA’s Craigcare with its Ascot development (pictured) which is 15 stories and is made up of 57 retirement village apartments above a five level aged care facility.

He pointed out that for hotels the individual ‘rooms’ would be manufactured in China and delivered complete right down to the linen on the beds and the coat hangers on the back of doors. The same can be delivered from aged care. Consistent quality and far high interior specification would also be achieved.

For those 10% of projects that modular works, they can expect:

Time Benefits

  • Faster than conventional construction. Provides ability to develop in the same cycle as well as decreasing funding costs
  • Construction program reduced by 50% (approx.)
  • Overall development program reduced by 30% (approx.)

Cost benefits

  • With an efficient design cost savings of around 10% - 15% can be achieved on multi storey residential
  • Even greater cost savings can be achieved on ‘hotel layout’ projects such as high care due to high level of repeatable modules
  • 35% - 40% less aggregate funding costs

Quality benefits

  • Built to code – inspected and certified in factory by Qualified Australian Certifiers
  • High quality achieved through a controlled environment construction with defects identified and resolved prior to installation
  • Acoustic and thermal performance can exceed conventional construction reducing ongoing running costs
  • Opportunity to increase the level of specification with out significant increase to cost compared to conventional construction

Sustainability benefits

  • Up to 90% less disruption to neighbours and traffic
  • Onsite time reduced by up to 50%
  • Up to 50% reduced wastage
  • 30% more thermally efficient


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