Happiness can be elusive, but for residents of retirement villages, it’s an everyday reality.

As we grow older, everyday concerns can contribute to greater anxiety in life. Whether that’s health issues, physical security or mobility, what was once taken for granted can start to chip away at your overall sense of wellbeing.  All the more so for anyone living alone.

Similarly, the strain of managing a large house and garden later in life can take its toll.

Contrast that with research by McCrindle Baynes for villages.com.au which found that 97%of people living in a retirement village are happy. Very happy in fact.

Over 10,500 people were surveyed and nearly 70% of respondents considered themselves either very or extremely happy with life in the village. So good is the experience that over 80% of residents would recommend a retirement village to a friend, rather than they continue to live in the family home.

Numerous factors influence people’s decisions to move into a retirement village. High among them is the fact that they provide for independent living and greater physical security in a quality home.

According to the report, these are the same things that drive happiness: comfort, security, independence.

Or put simply, 97 out of 100 people agree that life in a retirement village is a happy one.

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