The security alarm built into every retirement village home is the second biggest attraction for village residents planning a move.

According to our McCrindle Baynes 2011 village census of 10,600 residents, 76% of those surveyed said the emergency call button was between 'slightly' and 'extremely' influential in the decision to move into a retirement village.

This is why they’re such a valuable aid to your security and peace of mind.

Several years ago we interviewed a village resident in Perth. A single gentleman aged in his mid-70s who had lost his wife was living alone and suffering from some ill health. Nothing major but enough to worry him.

Why had he left a beautiful home overlooking the Swan river to move into an apartment? He pointed to the front door and said “every night before I go to bed I look at the light that comes from the corridor outside and I know that if I press the emergency call button - within minutes someone will come through that door that is trained to help me. That would never be possible in my old home”.

This sums up the major benefit of the emergency call system found in every village. They are especially designed and supported to summon help immediately if you have a fall or need assistance for whatever reason.

This provides an incredible sense of security, especially if you are on your own.

Most villages operate one of two types of emergency call button. The first has wall mounted buttons in the major rooms like the bathroom, kitchen and living area.

The second emergency call system is built into your specially designed telephone and also has a pendant that you can carry – it works up to 50 metres or so.

Both systems are connected to a central monitoring station where operators have your personal information including major health considerations, contact numbers for relatives and friends, as well as your home details.
If you press the button they'll call you and determine the problem. But if there's no answer they'll call the village manager first or if it’s after hours, call an ambulance, directing them to your home and informing them of your condition.

Depending on your situation, they may also contact your family or friends as well.

It normally takes just minutes to get someone to your aid - which gives you and your family great peace of mind.

Services like these are all designed to help you age well.

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