Cohousing, multi-generational homes and high rise apartments – there are some interesting trends emerging in the way ordinary Australians are choosing to live.
Once famed for our obsession with the quarter acre block, it turns out that we are now increasingly open to new ways of living.

The first-time visit to Australia last month for the American architect, author, and ‘father of cohousing’ in North America, Charles Durrett is one case in point.  With a program sponsored by State Governments, universities and aged care providers, Durrett was enthusiastically received by individuals and organisations right across the spectrum at a series of events and workshops in several states.

Then there's the rise and rise of purpose built multigenerational housing.

Cohousing, multigenerational housing... are we looking at some big trends and changes ahead?  Especially where older people are concerned?

Read more here.

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