Not many people realise it, but there is strong scientific evidence that playing golf regularly can help increase your life expectancy.

It is said that Golfers benefit from a five-year increase in their life expectancy compared those that don’t play – whatever their age, sex or socioeconomic, It doesn’t matter if you haven’t ever played a game of golf or haven’t picked up a club ever. But as soon as you start to play you will give your health and wellbeing a boost – and may even increase your lifespan.

It’s powerful combination of fresh air, nature, exercise and sociability can add years to your life and make those years happier and healthier.

Golf combats stress, burns calories, tones and strengthens just about every muscle in your body and helps you look and feel at your best.  If you use it, you won’t lose it. 

Men, women, boys and girls, start a new golfing hobby to become the fitter and healthier you.

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