Deep down, most of us know resistance training is something we really ‘should' be doing to give us that extra spring in our steps. But because it's unfamiliar to many people, the idea tends to get tossed into the ‘too hard basket' never to surface again.

Before you brush it aside (again), take a few seconds to consider strength training from a practical perspective - if you don't make it a priority, you are compromising your ability to live independently and lead a full and active life well into the future. Resistance training improves functional strength, which can help keep you safe in your daily activities and make you less vulnerable to falls or other injuries.

"Resistance training can lessen a person's chance of falling," says Di Huxley. "If you lose muscle mass, you lose strength, which can lead to falls, and possibly injury or fracture. If a person becomes sedentary, this then impacts on cardiovascular fitness making it even harder to move." Concern about injury is one of the main barriers among older exercisers. Di believes any reluctance can be overcome by education, setting realistic personal goals and focusing on why resistance training can enhance your life. "No matter how old we are, if we feel stronger, we are stronger," she says.

Raise the bar on your self-esteem
Everyone wants to look as good as they can no matter what their age. We're surrounded by wonderful role models from whom we can draw strength that being mature is not about being demure - there's the lovely Helen Mirren, gorgeous Sean Connery, effervescent Goldie Hawn, and the ageless John Travolta, to name a few.

Admittedly, the vast majority of us don't have access to the entourage of trainers some stars can afford to employ. But a strength training program needn't cost a fortune and the confidence boost will be well worth the effort. "It's not just young people who like to flex their muscles in front of the mirror and admire how good they look!" says Di Huxley. A lack of strength can influence a person's self-esteem in many ways. It can cause poor posture and a tendency to slump in some people.

In the Spotlight: Club Classic
Club Classic Wellness Centre, located within Classic Residences, a five-star retirement village in Brighton, Victoria, is setting the benchmark in providing tailored strength training programs for seniors - both residents and non-residents.

Supervised by its team of physiotherapists, the strength training sessions have been developed to improve muscle and bone health, and improve cardiovascular fitness while assisting in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries.

Here's why two participants enjoy the program:
Champion swimmer Judy Joy Davies, 79, has continued her winning form by taking part in strength training sessions. The 1948 Olympic bronze medallist and 1950 Commonwealth Games (Empire Games) gold medallist is an avid participant: "The programs are developed for the different needs of the participants. This, I believe, is important to help improve and maintain our quality of life in our mature years."

Fellow participant Beverley Spinks says the strength training has given her the confidence to continue travelling. "The programs have been adapted to suit my capabilities and needs from time to time. I went to Europe in 2005 and incorporated a Baltic Cruise where I intended to do a bicycle tour... and a walking tour. Leg exercises and the treadmill were increased to give me the stamina. The biggest target was in Peru - walking at high altitude and mostly up rough cut steps in rocks. Again the program changed to give me more overall stamina for the lack of oxygen and also high step ups holding a five kilogram weight to give me the power to keep going under difficult stresses. I feel I came through the trip with flying colours!"

Top 10 reasons to take up resistance training

1. To build muscle strength
2. To improve functional strength and flexibility
3. To increase bone mass and density
4. To lower body fat
5. To reduce resting blood pressure
6. To reduce low back pain
7. To reduce the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
8. To reduce symptoms of other chronic conditions such as depression
9. To enhance your personal appearance
10. To improve your golf game

Contact Details:

Dinamic Fitness NSW Phone: (02) 8011 3249
Club Classic Wellness Centre Phone: (03) 9599 2266
This information has been sourced from

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