It is important to remember that many conditions have similar symptoms to dementia, so do not assume that someone has dementia just because some of the symptoms are present. Other causes could include strokes, depression, alcoholism, infections, hormone disorders, nutritional deficiencies and brain tumours; they all have dementia-like symptoms and many of them can be treated.

Consulting a doctor at an early stage is critical

A complete medical and psychological assessment may either identify a condition and ensure that it is treated correctly, or confirm the presence of dementia. A medical assessment may include:

A detailed medical history, provided if possible, by the person with the symptoms as well as a close relative or friend. This helps to establish whether there has been a slow or sudden onset of symptoms and their progression.

A thorough physical and neurological examination, including tests of the senses and movement function to rule out other conditions, and to identify any medical conditions which may worsen the confusion associated
with dementia.

Laboratory tests, including a variety of blood and urine tests to identify any possible illness which could be responsible for the symptoms.

Neurophysiological testing to identify retained abilities and specific problem areas such as comprehension, insight and judgement.

Other specialist tests such as x-rays, ECGs or CT scans.

A mental status test to check the range of intellectual functions such as memory, the ability to read, write and calculate which may be affected by dementia.

Psychiatric assessment to identify treatable disorders such as depression which can mimic dementia and to manage any psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety or delusions which may occur alongside dementia.

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