More than a third of people at risk of bowel cancer have never heard of the government-funded test to detect it early, a survey has found. New research shows knowledge of bowel cancer is alarmingly low among 50 to 75 year-olds, those most likely to develop the disease.

A survey of 1,400 older Australians found almost a quarter could not name a single sign or symptom of bowel cancer. 35 percent had not heard of the potentially life-saving screening test, a faecal occult blood test (FOBT), which detects levels of blood in the faeces.

The Bowel Cancer and Digestive Research Institute Australia says the simple test can help detect the disease in its early stages when it is possible to make a full recover. Australians turning 50, 55 and 65 before December 31, 2010 are eligible to receive the self-test kits by mail.

For more information, please contact the Institute on: (02) 9926 5014 or click here.

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