At 81 years of age, Greek windsurfer Anastasia Gerolymatou will now have her name in the Guinness Book of Records after sailing from Skala, Kefalonia to Kyllini, located on the Pelopponesian Peninsula.

The Greek grandmother crossed the eighteen nautical miles of the Aegean on her windsurfer in a nonstop trip of just six hours, after dreaming of it for forty years.

Anastasia says she doesn’t believe in old age, it’s just a number.

Her passion for windsurfing materialised at the age of 41 whilst she was on holiday with her family.  She saw a young man windsurfing, wandered down the beach and persuaded the man who was renting windsurfers to hire one to her and the rest is history.

The lean, beautifully toned octogenarian says windsurfing is a sport that doesn’t pollute the sea in any way, as opposed to almost all other boating activities.

And her advice to the younger generations, "Never give up, there’s a path through anything that life throws at you.”

Anastasia has three grandchildren and says she continues to windsurf so they can remember me for what she’s accomplished.

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