Eureka Communities has been added to the All Ordinaries Index which is a basket of the 500 largest businesses listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
They have grown out of the skeleton of the old Village Life and SunnyCove rental villages pre the GFC. They had not made a profit for about 10 years until 2014. Now on a growth path by acquisition, they have acquired 18 villages in the past 20 months and claim to have another eight to ten in their sights over the next 12 months.
Their Net Profit before AND after tax for the six months to December was $3.652M – because they have so much in accumulated losses they will not be paying tax for a very long time.
The growth in their share price from 32 cents 12 months ago to 65 cents today makes Eureka the best performing retirement living and aged care share on the stock exchange.
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