Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) has filed an application for the first stage of a development to transform the former Queensland University of Technology (QUT) at Carseldine, 15km north of the Brisbane CBD, into a residential, shopping and sport precinct.

Stage one of the Carseldine Urban Village includes the subdivision of three master lots which will see around 50 homes built and a retirement living site that could house up to 150 townhouses and apartments for different levels of mobility.

The site is part a prime 45-hectare parcel of state land that is being revitalised under the Government’s recently released Advancing Our Cities and Regions Strategy that will eventually have around 900 homes, a government office precinct, a 3.6-hectare sport and recreation precinct, a 100-place childcare centre and commercial and retail space.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick encouraged residents, businesses and community groups to provide feedback on the proposed development.

Mr Dick said that they held two community information sessions on this development application in late June 2018 , which around 20 people attended and viewed Stage 1, the master plan and several comprehensive reports, including a traffic impact assessment, stormwater management and ecology report.

The reports and development plans have also been available online since May 4, 2018, to give the community time to read and digest all the information.

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