Allity is the creation of the private equity firm Archer Capital. In April 2013 they purchased 31 aged care facilities from Lend Lease who got hold of them when they acquired the retirement village operator Babcock & Brown Communities. Archer paid $270 million.

They now have 44 care facilties.

Estia was made up of just 10 locations in Victoria when Quadrant Private Equity purchased them in 2013 and built them to 52 locations by acquisition.

They listed on the stock exchange last December for $1.2 billion.

Estia is led by Paul Gregersen (pictured), the ex-CEO of Bupa. He has brought most of his Bupa team with him.

Quadrant’s strategy is being led by Marcus Darville. He also achieved significant growth – and profit – in NZ when he bought Somerset retirement villages and sold four years later for approximately $243 million.

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