"Now we have a new house, no lawns, no gardens and if we want to go away we just leave. We emigrated from the UK 46 years ago and moved into a housing commission home. We then bought the best home we could afford to bring up our kids, but we had bad neighbours and had to get out.

Penny: "There are 70s and there are 70s. John had retired 12 years before. Our house was 30-years-old and was starting to need real work. As John says, he had been mowing lawns for 50 years and needed a break."

"Now we have a new house, no lawns, no gardens and if we want to go away we just leave. We emigrated from the UK 46 years ago and moved into a housing commission home. We then bought the best home we could afford to bring up our kids, but we had bad neighbours and had to get out. We bought in Redhead near the beach, our last house before now."

"Here we have more friends than ever; before we had acquaintances. There are at least six people here who would do anything for us. We are all the same age, beyond children and now into grandchildren. We are all different and all at different financial levels, but we are all good mates. We have all become a lively bunch; when I go up to the letterbox I won't be back for an hour. One of the landscapers, Ray - who we only see every four to five months now - came up to me the other day and gave me a hug. Every day, eight or nine fellas get together and play competition games and roll home at about 4 - you have never heard them laugh so much, their ribs hurt!"

"This is quite something when you compare life to four or five years ago. I was going through a bit of depression, my kids were gone and I was low. I worked most of my life in butcher shops and I said to the doctor, ‘I miss people.' Now that I am here, that's not a problem. Our home is big and we look out on the bush; we get the sun all day. We have a big balcony which we have called ‘The Top Spot.' I have a modern kitchen and the bathrooms are grand. When we moved in we threw all the old furniture out and started fresh. We went backwards and forwards deciding what we wanted, but when I saw the furniture we were thinking about on television in a posh house I said, ‘That's it, we're getting it.' And we did; it looks great. The thing about here is that there is never a day that goes by that we don't have a damn good time."


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