Ed Clute’s is 76 years old and blind, but that hasn’t stopped him capturing music lovers ears with his piano playing.

Crowds in New York were drawn to the sound of hard-swing jazz one day when Ed gave an impromptu performance while tuning a piano at Hudson Manor in Watkins Glen, New York.

Ed, who started tickling the ivories at the age of three, was also born blind, and had to learn to read sheet music in braille.

A recent video of his impromptu performance, posted by Hudson Manor, has since been viewed more than six million times.

Clute a professional piano player prefers playing jazz and has performed at festivals for over 30 years.

He’s also known for his keen ear for musical harmony when playing ballads from the 1920s through to the 1940s.

Clute's active social media presence, the release of an album and personal performances shows he certainly isn't slowing down.

He’s living proof that music can surpass both age and disability.

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